Having doubts is natural for human beings, it is part of what is being human. Because as humans we do not know everything, we do not have the knowledge of the all picture. We have a partial view of what reality is, and it is perfect like that. Issues arise when we mistake what we think reality is, with what it actually is.
Because we think the world is as we perceive it conflicts will happen when in comparison with others perception of reality. There is as many realities as the number of persons alive, each and everyone of us has a version of what reality is, but most of us do not know that, we think that reality is as we perceive it and others should see it as we see it.
In order to protect what we think reality is we enter in conflict with whoever see things differently but we have a choice to allow ourselves to see things as others see and in the end we still have the choice to maintain our version of reality or a improved one.
We have all to gain and nothing to lose because our version or reality still as it is and we can evolve our perception of it with others different points of view. It is like that that innovation arise, being open minded allow evolution. If we keep on doing and thinking the same way the results that we will have won't be any different.
It is insane to hope to change and keep on doing the same things every time. And a good thing is that in a wider version, other than our limited one, of reality what others do is just a mirror of what is already within us.
Whoever enters in your life it is not by chance, no matter how long they stay in your life, they come to teach you who you really are and of course learn from you, who they really are also. And the ones that bother you much are the ones that teach you the most.
Being present each moment for what is it allows you to suffer less, because you will learn faster what you are supposed to learn, in fact it is more a remembering than a learning, because in essence you know who you really are. Your essence knows it all just allow yourself to listen to it. Be open to the signs and flow with life moment by moment.
Your essence is perfect as it is but your human condition it is not. And that is part of the process, it is what gives meaning to this human experience, it is the opportunity to experience a wide range of feelings and sensations that are not available to our essence to experience other wise.
So if you are struggling right now in your life, if you are feeling down and hopeless, just allow yourself to observe that feelings without rejection, live the full extent of it and as they came they will go away. All is temporary in this human experience, nothing is permanent, all of it is accepted by your essence without judgment.
In essence nothing is good or bad all is part of you, nothing limits you, nothing really defines you, all is okay. And how is that knowing help you right now, where you are standing? It will allows you to trust that no matter what, you are okay in essence, it allows you to be in peace with what is and to be fully open to whatever comes. Just seize the now that is the answer.